Object – Clothes – Tops

It’s Saturday. Day 5. Patterns in what I perceive are my preferences, what I secretly like (well it’s not a secret, I guess my desires in my internal landscape) and what I portray my persona on the outside are beginning to emerge. I’m a natural jeans and t-shirts girl, although in examining the items I haven’t been able to let go of that are serving no functional purpose anymore appear to be items that allow me to imagine a more feminine style of dress that I am used to.

I am discovering about myself I love floral prints, looking at floral prints and imagining myself in floral prints gives me joy feelings, but I feel weird wearing them, even in the house alone, I feel like am breaking the mode that I am perceived as I behave as. Grey, blue, jeans monotone, safe, serious, hidden.

I wore pink sneakers and a floral top at work last week, so many people said ‘WOW’ you’re such a lady!’. It feels weird when people comment on my clothes, it’s kind of why I stay close to conservative block colours and dressing in the way people expect of me.

A feminine floral top

Purchased at: Farmers, Richmond.

You’re too big, although your fabric is delicate and feminine like your print. Your sleeves brush my lower arms. It’s to much fabric. And your cropped at little bit short.

Let go: Thank you for teaching me even though I don’t wear floral under my tom-boy exterior I am much more feminine than I let myself show

Object – Floral yoga top

Stella McCartney Adidas Yoga-Top

If I am in a city I always want to check out the latest at Adidas. Adidas is forever on my top favourite labels. And many an impulse buy has been had at the Adidas store. This Adidas Stella McCartney yoga t-shirt is brand new, it’s another ‘I love this fabric, I am a fan of this designer, I really like this design’ but then when it is on my body’ it just doesn’t feel quite right. I don’t recall trying it on in the shop. Highly likely an impulse buy on a happy whimsical day of shopping as a past time with this top now being held due to holding a sunk cost fallacy attachment.

Let go: Thank you. I put you out into the world so someone else can joy from you. Gathering damp in the cupboard not seeing the sunlight is not good for you.

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